Appointed Committees & Chairs
Our committees play a vital role in advancing the mission of the ASCDC, ensuring effective governance, advocacy, and professional development for our members. Below is a list of our appointed committees and their respective chairs. If you are interested in joining or contacting a committee/chair, please email [email protected].
Amicus Committee
Annual Seminar Committee
Chair: Steven S. Fleischman Vice Chair: Ted L. Xanders
Chair: Lisa Collinson Vice Chair: Alice Smith |
Bench Bar Committee
CAALA/ASCDC/LA-ABOTA Joint Litigation Conference
Chair: Ninos Saroukhanioff Vice Chair: Marta Alcumbrac Vice Chair: Lisa Collinson |
Chair: David Napper |
California Defense Counsel Committee
CACI Jury Instructions
Chair: Robert A. Olson |
Chair: Patricia Daehnke Vice Chair: David Pruett |
Charity Committee
Diversity Committee
Chair: Lisa Collinson Vice Chair: Diana Lytel Vice Chair: Alexis Morgenstern |
Chair: Hannah Mohrman Vice Chair: Laura Hummasti Vice Chair: Sabrina Narian Vice Chair: Diana Lytel |
Expert Witness Database Committee
Golf Tournament Committee
Vice Chair: Patrick Kearns |
Chair: Gary T. Montgomery Vice Chair: Charlie Schmitt |
Hall of Fame Committee
In-House Counsel Committee
Chair: Eric Schwettmann |
Chair: Freddy Fonseca Chair: Jennifer Leeper |
LACBA Liaison Committee
Law Firm Management Committee
Chair: Mary Fersch Vice Chair: Marta Alcumbrac Vice Chair: Patricia Daehnke
Chair: Thomas Feher |
Lawyer Defense Committee
Membership Committee
Chair: Marshal Cole Vice Chair: Marta Alcumbrac |
Chair: Lisa Collinson Vice Chair: Alice Smith Vice Chair: Ben Howard |
Publications Committee
Social Media Committee
Chair: Lisa Perrochet |
Chair: Michael Lebow Vice Chair: Anthony Kohrs |
Sponsorships Committee
Usual Suspects Committee
Chair: Lisa Collinson
Vice Chair: Mary Fersch
Vice Chair: Alice Smith
Vice Chair: Alexis Morgenstern
Chair: Lindy Bradley
Vice Chair: Juan Delgado
Vice Chair: Jennifer Leeper
Vice Chair: David Napper
Webinar Committee
Women in the Law Committee
Chair: Lindy Bradley Vice Chair: Bron D'Angelo Vice Chair: Michael Lebow |
Chair: Mary Fersch Vice Chair: Lindy Bradley Vice Chair: Laura Hummasti |
Young Lawyers Committee
Construction Seminar/Sub-Law Committee
Chair: Mary Fersch Vice Chair: Alexis Morgenstern
Chair: Brian Kahn |
Eldercare/Healthcare Sub-Law Committee
Employment Sub-Law Committee
Chair: Colin Harrison |
Chair: David Napper
General Liability Sub-Law Committee
Products Sub-Law Committee
Chair: Juan Delgado Vice Chair: Anthony Kohrs Vice Chair: Jennifer Leeper
Chair: Bryan Martin Vice Chair: Heather Mills |
Insurance Sub-Law Committee
MedMal Sub-Law Committee
Chair: David Byasse Vice Chair: Cynthia Arce |
Chair: Patrick Stockalper Vice Chair: Kevin Thelen Vice Chair: Ben Howard Vice Chair: Karine Mkrtchya |
Public Entity Sub-Law Committee
Chair: Heather Mills |